Unidad Didáctica "What is Art?"

Unidad didáctica : What is Art?

Curso: 4º ESO

Materia: Inglés

Profesor : Concepción Osorio Moratalla

Justificación: Art is around us in many forms. It is also a topic that usually attracts teenagers in many ways: either painting, street art, music or even poetry or at least song lyrics. We can make them learn to be more creative through art and maybe we help them to discover their own taste in artistic matters.

-To acquire the language necessary to describe an image and a work of art: vocabulary and grammar exercises.
- Vocabulary related to feelings and what art communicates.
- Give a personal opinion about a painting.
- Debate about graffiti in the streets.
- Become acquaintance with modern art through reading and short documentaries.
- Production of a text describing a picture.
- Speaking in public: presentation of a modern work of art.


Cada nivel debe hacer las actividades del nivel inferior, si bien la forma de hacerlo puede ser modificada en función de las necesidades de cada alumno y situación.

Esquema general
Temporalización: 5 semanas

Inteligencias Múltiples y actividades

Tipo de inteligencia
Actividad/ objetivo
 Forma de trabajo

Lingüística y

2 weeks

 Pair work.
Whole class.
Written test.
Give-in  paper.


2 classes

2 classes

Debate about graffiti
Prepare a presentation about a famous painting
Group work.
 Classroom observation.


Viso-espacial/ Auditiva

2 classes

Watch a video and take notes.
Complete a perspective scheme.
Class mark

Naturalista/ intrapersonal
1 week

Reading about graffitti
Production: Describing a picture.
Class mark.

Written work.

2 classes

Listen to a song.
Sing it.
Whole class
Classroom activities.
  2 classes
Making a brochure of a local museum
Group work
Work mark

Tiempos parciales. 2 semanas

Inteligencia Lingüística

Objective: -To acquire the language necessary to describe a photograph and talk about art.

Nivel 1. ACIS

Activity 1

- Give the students a sheet of paper with vocabulary without translation.
- In pairs they complete as many meanings as possible.
- Add to their vocabulary lists.

Activity 2
-Relative clauses
-Indefinite pronouns

Grammar explanation.
Grammar exercises.
Read a text and answer using relatives.
What a Youtube  video about comparatives and make a chart.
Activity 3

Practise writing definitions.
Game: Guess what? An I can see with my little eye… asking questions that describe objects.


Activity 1

Definitions game
Find  words that are not known by the students in the dictionary  and give three possible definitions.
They must include the real one.
- Another student must guess which one is the true definition.
Play in turns.

Activity 2

Read a magazine article or blog entry about an exhibition or an art museum they choose.
Take down any new words and write them in their lists.

Tiempos parciales. 1 semana

Inteligencia Intrapersonal y Naturalista

Objective: - Learn to debate and give a personal opinion. Oral presentation about a work of art including a personal opinion.

Nivel 1. ACIS

Activity 1

Describing a photograph.
- Give the students vocabulary and the type of phrases which can be used for this purpose in a chart.
- Give them the instructions of what to include in their writings.

Activity 2

Presentation of a work of art
-Use the vocabulary and language from the previous activity.
- Make an oral presentation of a painting, sculpture, etc.
- Find information about the artist, the style and time when it was produced.
- Talk about what the artist wanted to communicate.
- Add a personal opinion of the work of art.

Tiempo parciales.  1 semana

Inteligencia Visoespacial / Auditiva

Objective: To know more about art through listening activities.

Nivel 1. 2 y 3
Activity 1

Projection of the video ”Pop-up Galleries” (Learn English Teens)
- Listen to the video while completing the activities in the activity sheet.

Activity 2

Video “Art in Perspective”
(Smart Planet 3)
- Listen to the video while completing the activities in the activity sheet.

Activity 3

Follow the instructions to reproduce a picture.
-       The teacher describes a picture that students have to draw.
-       Students do the same in pairs with a picture of their own.

Activity 1

Prepare an explanation on the blackboard for the rest of the class

_ How a famous building was made.
-The geometry in a famous painting like Raphael’s The School of Athens.
- The Golden Section

Tiempo parciales.  1 hora

Inteligencia Musical

Objective: songs are  excellent tools to train pronunciation, learn vocabulary and structures while having fun


Activity 1

Listen, read and sing the song Starry Night By Don McLean.
- Listen to the song reading the lyrics.
- Pay attention to the pronunciation of difficult words.
- Comment what students know about Van Gogh’s life.
- Read his biography.
- Watch the picture Starry Night while reading the lyrics.
- Sing the song

Tiempo parciales.  2 clases

Inteligencia Interpersonal

Objective: Develop their creativity through the language and skills they have learnt to work in groups

Nivel 1. 2 y 3
Activity 1

Visit to the local museums
- Give the instructions for the activity.
-Take photos of the place.
- Draw a map.

Activity 2

Design the brochure
-Write the texts, include the pictures and map of the museum.
- Make a brochure on a folded piece of paper.
Activity 3

Show to the rest of the class
- The groups show their work to the rest.

Trabajos elaborados por alumnos de alto rendimiento

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